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Survey Name

The Survey Name is a unique name that you give each survey that you create. Please note that once you have created a Survey Name, you cannot change it.

Survey Phone Area Code

The Survey Phone Area Code is the phone area code that you want assigned to your survey. A phone number will be automatically created using this as the area code, and your customers will text to the created phone number to opt-in to the survey. For best results, use your local area code.

Survey Key Word

The Key Word is the word that your customers will text to the created Survey Phone Number in order to opt-in to the survey. For example, if your call to action card says “To participate, text ALOHA to 801-123-4567,” then ALOHA is your Key Word. You can choose any word, but it’s best to keep it simple and in line with your name and brand.

Survey Description

The Survey Description is used to provide you with more information about this specific survey. It is not seen by your customers. It is simply a tool to make it easier for you to manage your surveys. Include as much information as you want, and this information will appear in the Build and Manage Surveys section of your Control Panel.

Survey Intro Text

The Survey Intro Text is the first text your customers will receive immediately after opting in. Include a brief thanks for participating, the number of questions in the survey, and any other necessary information.